Friday 27 September 2013

TO THE NIMASA DIRECTOR GENERAL: You guys havent done so well to make Nigerian waters safe

Watching the DG of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety  Agency (NIMASA) , Mr Patrick Akpobolokemi on TV yesterday as he tried to defend his agency for fighting piracy, created an impression in me. I saw in him, a man who even though hasn't done well enough,  has to defend execution of his mandate.

Even though, Patrick didn't create piracy and sea robbery, but, by virtue of  his position as the DG of NIMASA, the lot has fallen on him to ensure that Nigerian waters are safe. But are they really safe? My humble answer is  No!

The truth is that majority of the attacks on fishing trawlers are  not reported, while most of the attacks on tankers and oil platforms in the Niger Delta are never brought to the knowledge of the NIMASA-owned Maritime Rescue Coordination Centres.

When piracy and sea robbery are considered along with the new responsibility of NIMASA as the Designated Authourity for the ISPS Code implementation, then one can  begin to understand that there is need for a lot more seriousness and doggedness in the execution of the mandate of NIMASA as the Nigerian flag and port state control agency.

Even though the naval contraption  called Operation Pulo Shield is doing a good job, but it remains what it is: A contraption that can not be copied any where else.

The other contraption between Navy and NIMASA; that is the Maritime Guard Command hasn't recorded as much success as  Operation Pulo Shield. The same is true of the contract with Global West Vessel Specialist, which has remained what it is: A job for the boys. 

Perhaps, Nigeria should start thinking more seriously about having a Coast Guard.  May be the time is ripe.

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